Next Guild meeting (Jim May workshop) - 4 pm May 22 - DM Playhouse

Welcome  Guild Basics About TRSS Meeting Minutes Tellings of Interest Registration Forms

What's New with Two Rivers Story Spinners?


AUGUST 26 2012: President Mike King started the meeting with stories precisely at 4 pm. John led off with a series of “Do you remember?….I do!” recollections including fishing with grandpa, learning to swim, gathering eggs and encountering a bandit. Dave Wharff beguiled us with a youthful memory(?) story of a magical place and space. Dan took us on a new railroader’s steam engine training period with Terrible Tim. Margy combined music and origami in an adaptation, Lady MacDonald Had A Farm. Barb began crafting a dark, comedic, reality tale about the Drought of 2012. When requested by the teller, listeners provided feedback and highlighted an aspect that worked well.


About 4:45 Mike distributed the agenda. Susan agreed to be temporary secretary. Mike shared information about the upcoming Tellebration plans, dates, and distributed a sign up sheet for tellers, publicity, promotions, and bringing intermission treats. It was decided to inform the honored teller prior to the event: Dave Wharff. Dave will be the featured teller this year. Also will have an emcee and 5 other tellers ( 2-10 min, 2-5 min, 1-15 min) No separate children’s Tellebration this year.  Tellers are to submit a photo & bio to Maureen by October 1, plus the title of their tale. Tellebration promo/ad  OKed for back cover of Story City Festival’s program (max cost $200)


By-law committee did not meet.


Sign up for Living History Farms Halloween tellings by going to the Two Rivers Story Spinners groupspace.  Questions? Call Bettie Jane Bibler, 515-999-2794. Short stories especially appreciated by LHF to keep the crowds moving.


Mike distributed a letter from Maureen requesting TRSS sponsorship of $500 for a Cultural House Concert series event on Friday, Oct. 19  with 2 Irish storytellers, a Hob Mailed Book Theatre Company presentation and dancing by the Foy Irish Dancers.  TRSS tellers may also be involved. Motions and amendments were made, with a lively discussion. The motion to support the program for $500 passed.


Matt brought back the  June/July Storytelling magazine. He found it informative and he even copied some of the story selections.  Maybe we’ll hear a re-telling of one or more at a future meeting. 


People shared upcoming events:  Story City Festival, Moonshell Festival, our events, and Margy asked if any storytellers also had some carpentry skills to share as she re-surfaces the trailer at her farm. If you can offer a morning or afternoon to help out, call 491-3833 to make arrangements and get directions.


Next meeting: Sunday, September 23, 4 pm @ DM Playhouse classroom. The meeting adjourned 5:45 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Susan Jellinger

July 22, 2012  4  -5:30 pm or later.....

Greenwood Park Shelter (west of Des Moines Art Center)
Storytellers' Picnic
Statewide call for storytellers to come gather to share:  a potluck, a story, and a big helping of laughter! 


May's meeting was actually a workshop with nationally known storyteller Jim May. He also lead an intensive storyteller's retreat that several members took on. The Sunday workshop included a storytelling demonstration by Jim and then he lead us through a process of creating personal tales using the Hero's journey format.

April's meeting dodged some raindrops and dodged Easter by being a week early, April 17. In the barely brief business section we confirmed that we have more than the minimum registrations for the Jim May weekend intensive; made plans for promoting the Sunday afternoon, open-to-the-public Jim May workshop.  Motion approved to spend guild money for flyers -- Moe will get printed, bundled, & sent to DM Public Libraries. Susan contacted intern Kara about more press releases and getting info on local community calenders. Guild Members urged to personally invited and bring several people to to Sunday workshop! Then we told stories! Dave Wharff - The Last Leprachon, Thea Nichalas - The Contrary Frogs (a Korean folktale), and Mike King led us through a storytelling improv adventure!

January's meeting brought us together to elect new officers. Had discussions about upcoming workshops and events, yet still plenty of time to share and listen to member stories, along with gentle critiquing when requested.

December's meeting was an opportunity to eat, drink, and tell merry tales to celebrate the holidays of the season. What else to say - we partied! 

November's meeting is alway the dress rehearsal for Tellabration. We also discussed options for Jim May in May and discussed Charlotte Blake Alston's TRSS and the other events she'll due around town in February 2011. 

October's meeting was a round table gathering and meal at The Machine Shed. Finalizing details and checking up on committee work for Tellabration! 2010. Several tellers were performing that night at Living History Farms as other guild members had been doing other nights of the LHF Family Halloween event. It is our biggest fund raiser for the guild and half the money we give to the Playhouse for meeting space consideration.

September meeting featured a guild workshop led by Mike King.Stories were bounced about, taken apart, re-worked and enhanced.

August's meeting was back at the DM Playhouse with a big circle of storytelling friends. Susan Jellinger facilitated a short workshop about story coaching and giving a gentle critique. Maureen Korte and Jill Skeebout also added information. We don't have a set form (as yet), but guild members brough examples. Members may ask for what coaching they are after for a particular story.

July's meeting brought us to Greenwood Park for a wonderful early Sunday afternoon picnic with a side of stories. Good food, good times, good people and a merciful lack of bugs combined with a cadre of casual personal tales. The day was topped off with a preview of a tale Jill Beebout debuted at the Iowa Storytelling Festival at Clear Lake. 

June Meeting included a presentation from Munoz Productions about professional quality visuals as part of marketing. Hope some members have some stories to share:  one story theme suggestion this month is "June Weddings."  

May Multi-task Meeting
The circle kept growing throughout the first half hour of the meeting as road construction and parking hindered a few guild members, but eventually the guild finished introductions and got down to business:

  • Update on TRSS tax return: Maureen sent in a Federal return as now required by law in order to keep our tax exempt status. Thanks to Dave Ashcraft we are current with our state tax-exempt registration and won't need to complete that form again for two more years (2012).
  • July picnic and TRSS meeting is now scheduled for July 17 so we don't conflict with the Iowa Storytelling Festival at Clear Lake. Susan is checking on availability of Greenwood Park shelter. Other back-up locales were discussed.
    Picnic is a potluck with TRSS members providing the food and out-of-towners coming as guests (although they're welcome to bring food, too!) We'll take time to network about our groups, gigs and growth. Then we'll get down to the serious sharing while eating. AND finally - we'll tell stories. Depending up turnout, we may have a lottery for telling slots.
  • Tellabration 2010 Committee sign up sheet went around. Committees need to begin their preparations! Maureen moved and Jim seconded and guild approved raising the ticket price from $4 to $5.
  • Discussion around Charlotte Blake Alston visit next February 15-20. She will do a workshop for TRSS on Tuesday the 15th, the History through the Arts Storytelling Camp for 3 days, an evening program at Plymouth Church, and other events TBA.
  • Looking ahead to May 2012 for a TRSS workshop with Jim May. May be an intensive or larger group workshop. Talked about going for grant support: IA Arts and/or Humanities Iowa mini-grants.

Then we got onto the learning and sharing as Maureen Korte led us through her workshop:  Making the Connection: Using Your Six Senses in Story! Why do we remember something? Because of the emotional connection that is triggered through the choice of descriptive words evoking our five physical senses. Modeling several examples of this, Maureen than broke us into smaller groups for the experiential exercise. Using a list of items (outhouse, fried chicken, shirt/dress, pancakes, cabin, haunted house) groups concocted descriptive vignettes. Then a teller from each group told a story incorporating those creating those "making the connection" moments. Maureen and all the participants pointed out the memorable and successful elements! It was amazing how quickly we all developed the bare bones of some good stories!

June 27th meeting story theme suggestions: Schools Out or June Weddings. If you have a story that doesn't fit the theme, tell anyway!

 Honoring Our Friend, Dave Ashcraft, while Promoting Stories, Helping Out

Supported by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa, The Polk County Jail, and Two Rivers Story Spinners the project collects and distributes books to children who visit family members at the jail. Along with the presentation of collected books, artwork by students from SCAVO High School and bookshelves will be donated.

As part of his job as a Librarian for Des Moines Public Libraries, Dave Ashcraft worked with the Polk County Jail to make books available for inmates. Dave worked largely on a volunteer basis due to his passion for reading. When terminal cancer took Dave in 2009, members of his storytelling group, Two Rivers Story Spinners initiated The Ashcraft Project and began to collect books for charity in his name.

Visiting the Polk County Jail in her position as Magistrate Judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa, Celeste F. Bremer noticed a need for children’s reading materials and activities. With her desire to provide a more positive experience for young visitors and Two Rivers Story Spinners passion for books and stories, Forever Books For Kids/The Ashcraft Project was born.

The opening ceremony of Forever Books For Kids/The Ashcraft Project was held at the Polk County Jail on April 20th with Maureen Korte representing TRSS. Books that had been purchased through a Two Rivers fundraising telling at Barnes and Nobles, along with books donated by individuals, the State Historical Society’s History Through the Arts, and several other organizations.  Drake Graduate students participating in leadership classes have assisted with book fairs, marketing, collecting books and writing articles about the project. The Polk County jail expects to distribute over 100 books a week. So far, the project has collected over 5,000 books with the goal of collecting and distributing 5,500 each year.

April Meeting 
The next TRSS guild meeting is Sunday, Apr. 25 again at the DM Playhouse's Classroom A from 4 - 5:30 pm. The suggested storytelling theme is "Rain on Me" although "Tales from Books" will also be accepted as it is National Library Month. (Actually, we'll listen to any story or story segment of approx. 7 minutes!) And as Jill clarified, you don't have to tell a story.
If you can, come support the TRSS tellers at the Polk County Jail this month for the Ashcraft Project and Books Forever joint presentation. Check back for more details about the specific date and time.
Thank you for your guild participation.  As an active TRSS guild member, you demonstrate the gifting of story through the ages. Grab a friend, and get ready for April; we've got more characters and more stories to share!
We hope to see everyone soon. Until then -- curl up with a good story.

Monthly meeting is Sunday, April 25th at the DM Playhouse. 4 - 5:30 pm. If new to storytelling, come as our guest to 'check us out.' Dues are still only $10 ayear, running from January to December.

At the April Guild meeting Co-President Jill Beebout (good egg that she is and what she brought!) lead us through the  a review of old business and discussion of new business. Then we went into storytime. The classroom was pleasantly alive with the warmth of stories and open hearts! New member, Mary Chamberlain, brings a wealth of life experiences to share AND she'll already signed up for a Tellebration committee.

We had a great meeting on a partly sunny March Sunday!

TRSS is over for this month in grand style: thank you all for coming. new members added to the vibrant atmosphere. It was fun hearing  how we all came to TRSS, the business part of the meeting had updates-updates & plans, followed by some gripping storytelling in too short amount of time.
Such a nice balance of backgrounds and storytelling styles.
New members were welcomed! We'll occassionally send you emails about upcoming meetings and events. You can also check on the group at our website, and on Facebook,

BRING A  FRIEND and add to the TRSS crew this month. Visitors are always welcome; members are honored. 
A good story day to all!

Snapshots from TRSS' "Once Upon A Time"

As part of this anniverary year, we are seeking photos of TRSS members past and present engaged in storytelling or related activities.  If you have images to submit to this page, please contact the webmaster,