Welcome  Guild Basics About TRSS Meeting Minutes Tellings of Interest Registration Forms

Two Rivers Story Spinners Workshop Series Registration
FEATURING  Linda Gorham, Carolyn Spaulding & Kathy Pingle

Your Name ____________________________________________________________________________

Your Address __________________________________________________________________________

Contact Info/phone and email __________________________________________________________

How many  Adult @ $40 _________    TRSS members (10 to 21 yrs old)@ $10 ________ 
(Mail to address below or Bring payment to the first workshop on Feb. 15)

Do you want to be a member of the Two Rivers Story Spinners storytelling guild? _____
(Members get workshop discounts)

 Print out form and mail to Two Rivers/Attn: Thea  6211 Pleasant Drive  Des Moines IA 50312
 or copy and paste into an email to: 

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(in planning) 

Two Rivers Story Spinners Retreat Registration
An Intensive Workshop

Friday to Sun. DATE TBA, 2012 Retreat House, Maxwell, IA

Limited Registration: 10 participants 
Registrations accepted on first-come basis

Your Name ____________________________________________________________________________

Your Address __________________________________________________________________________

Contact Info/phone and email __________________________________________________________

How many Adult @ $125 _________
(Mail non-refundable deposit of $25 to address below and bring rest of payment to the workshop)

Do you want to be a member of the Two Rivers Story Spinners storytelling guild? _____
Are you a current TRSS member? _____

Print out form and mail to Two Rivers/Attn: Thea 6211 Pleasant Drive Des Moines IA 50312
oe copy and paste into an email to: