About Two Rivers Story Spinners 2011
A long, long time ago....
There were so many "once upon a times" to explore, different styles and techniques to learn or just appreciate, times to branch out and connect with others such as at Northland conferences: this group learned and grew together. Many members came with experience presenting before an audience and had their own style. Others came wanting to hone a speaking or teaching skill into the art of storytelling. They practiced with folk tales, fairy tales, tall tales, personal stories, myths, poems, and even nursery rhymes! Members have stayed and some moved on, but the Two Rivers Story Spinners Guild continues to celebrate and share this ancient yet ever renewing art of telling stories.
The old tales become re-newed through the talents and tongues and re-telling by TRSS guild members. Twenty years ago, Carol Taylor was talking with a friend and came up with the idea of starting a storytelling group through the Des Moines Playhouse. That September of 1991 a crew of nine individuals gathered to talk about stories and to tell stories.
Watch this space through out the year for short essays from current and former TRSS members about their storytelling experience.
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As we are growing, the guild organization grows, too. This year the guild will begin having committee assignments! Some possible committees for members to consider (discussion on Facebook and confirmation at a future guild meeting)
State-Wide Storytelling Summer Shindig Maureen
Tellebration Susan and Brett
Communications Jill, Susan and intern
Membership Maureen, Thea, Mike
Meetings and member workshops Executive Officers
Workshops with other professional presenters Executive Officer and TBA
Finances Thea
Guild dues are $10 year, running January through December.
Monthly meetings are regularly the 4th Sunday of the month, January through September.
In October, November, and December the meeting times can vary dependent upon a guild Halloween booking, Tellebration in November, and winter holidays in December.
Officers for 2011
Maureen Korte and Mike King Co-Presidents
Brett DeBruyn and Susan Jellinger, Vice-Presidents and Tellebration Chairs
Thea Nicholas , Treasurer
Committees for 2011 - there's always room for more storytelling outreach!
- Communications Committee
- Tellebration! 2011 Committees
- Program Committee
- Guild Meetings & Workshops
- Ashcraft Project Committee
- TRSS Group Telling - LHF
- Grants